CSA Newsletter - Week 3 - Summer

Week 3 - Summer

green onions
garlic scapes
Italian parsley or basil
beets or chard
cabbage-large shares only

-This is the last week for scapes. We were surprised they even hung on this long!
-Basil: This herb has a very short shelf life and there is not a lot you can do about it. Try to use it within 2 days.
-The cabbage patch is slowly starting to come on, so we will rotate it around the share size/pick up sites over the next few weeks.
-Beet greens are edible! Use them as you would chard.
-Garlic: You do not need to refrigerate the garlic. You can just leave it out on your counter until you get around to using it. The skins will start to dry and become papery, which is fine. Most likely you will get through it all before week’s end anyway.

We grow dill, cilantro, Italian parsley, basil, and rosemary. We aim to give you at least 1 type of herb each week and do our best to pair it with compatible items in your box. We personally like to play around with fresh herbs and sprinkle them raw on a dish to give it a lively zest. Most make a dynamic addition to a basic vinegarette dressing. Check out the recipe cloud for herb ideas.

I try to write a newsletter every few weeks, more often if there is important news to share, a new crop to identify, etc. Sometimes they will include the latest happenings on the farm and sometimes it’s a quick “this is such and such veggie and here’s how to cook it.” I will send it out via email on Wednesday evening, post it on our website in the CSA newsletter section, and also post on Facebook. I realized I never hit “send” for the week 1 newsletter. (Insert eye roll here.) You should check it out. It has some really cool flood and snow photos from this winter. Click on the newsletter link above.

We love to post pics on Instagram and Facebook, so be sure to check us out there.

Jennifer Belknap