CSA Newsletter - Summer - Week 5

Summer - Week 5

green onions
potatoes, ”Ozette”
green zucchini
yellow zucchini or yellow crookneck
basil or Italian parsley
beets or chard
kohlrabi for 1/2 of the small shares

We grow 4 types of “summer squash” which include green zucchini, yellow zucchini, yellow crookneck, and yellow patty pan. Sadly, seed for our favorite Italian zucchini was unavailable this year, so we tried out a fun yellow one. They all taste more or less the same, though the crookneck is a little nuttier. They differ more in texture, with the yellow zucchini and patty pan being the crunchiest. I highly recommend adding squash to just about any savory dish you usually make. The squash will add color, texture, and act as a sponge for sauces. You can use any of the squash for breads, cakes, and muffins that call for zucchini. They all are wonderful marinated and grilled on the bbq. Slice to 1/4” thickness the long way, marinate, and grill until tender.
Ozette potatoes: These were a delightful surprise. Last year, the fall rains came before we could dig all of the potatoes, so several beds remained unharvested. We thought it was a loss, but then, this spring, they began to grow. All of the potatoes that survived the freeze, the snow, and the flood spawned all of these little baby potatoes! This variety is a firm, nutty fingerling. They are perfect for roasting in the oven, steaming, potato salad, and added to a hearty stew. No need to peel since the skins are thin and delicate.

Green beans, cherry tomatoes, different potatoes, are all starting to ripen. We will continue to rotate herbs and different squashes around the sites. Cabbage will pop up every few weeks.

That’s all for today. Gotta get back out there and tend to things. Enjoy the summer weather and yummy veggies!


Jennifer Belknap