Blended Green Drink with Strawberries & Chard…or Kale…or Spinach

I know it sounds freaky, but it is soooo good and will make you feel all invigorated and energized. My sister-in-law introduced me to this concept. Anyone who knows me knows that coffee is my life blood. I have been known to cast aside the coffee when a batch of this magic is whipped up.
Add the following to a blender: 1 cup strawberries, 3 (or more) chard leaves with ribs removed, 1 small banana, 1 cup of cold water. Blend until smooth. Yes, it is thick and green and may have little floaties in it, but I am telling you it tastes great and makes you feel all perky and healthy and craving more. When nectarine season rolls around, add some of those as well. You can play with the fruit to chard ratio and use any mix of fruits you want. The banana really helps sweeten it.  You can also use beet greens in place of chard.
You can use kale or spinach instead of chard if you wish

DessertJennifer Belknapchard