CSA Newsletter – Week 7 – August 2, 2017

What’s In The Box:
Beets or Chard
Green beans
Yukon Gold potatoes
Italian zucchini
yellow crookneck
Italian parsley
red onion
sungolds-small shares only
red tomato
pickling/salad cucumbers
baby cabbage-half of you (the rest of you should get it next week)

This is the first week for the Height of the Season Share folks. Welcome! I hope you enjoyed your first box. I encourage you to read through the previous newsletters to get a sense of what has been going on at the farm. Explore the recipe tag cloud at the bottom of the page. Click on a vegetable and all the recipes containing that vegetable will pop up. Quite handy.

Boy it’s hot! I hope you all are keeping cool. We have started work at 5:00 AM these past few days and try to stop around 1:30 or so. It is just too hot out there for people or produce. Irrigation is going 24/7 to keep the plants happy. It is times like these when we are so grateful for our heavy clay soil. We will have some serious weeds to contend with once the weather gets cooler. We had hoped to pull some long days and get caught up, but it is too hot to ask people to stay late into the afternoon.

Sorry I have no more news to share or amazing recipes to suggest. I am pretty fried from the insanely early start times and the heat.

